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OPI Metamorphosis Collection
Butterfly Me to the Moon
Can't Be Camouflaged!
Ecstatic Prismatic
Metamorphically Speaking
This Changes Everything!
You Little Shade Shifter

OPI - Peru (Fall 2018)
Machu Peach-U
Somewhere Over The Rainbow Mountains
Seven Wonders of OPI
Don't Toot My Flute
Alpaca My Bags jelly
Suzi Will Quechua Later!
Lima Tell You About This Color!
Grandma Kissed A Gaucho jelly
My Solar Clock Is Ticking
I Love You Just Be-Cusco
Como se Llama?
Yes My Condor Can-Do!

L15 Made It To the Seventh Hill!
L16 Lisbon Wants Moor OPI
L18 Tagus in That Selfie!
L19 No Turning Back From Pink Street
L20 We Seafood and Eat It
L21 Now Museum, Now You Don't
L22 A Red-vival City
L23 Sun, Sea, and Sand in My Pants
L24 Closer Than You Might Belém
L25 Tile Art to Warm Your Heart
L26 Suzi Chases Portu-geese

NL G41 Don't Cry Over Spilled Milkshakes
NL G42 Meet A Boy Cute As Can Be
NL G43 Summer Lovin' Having A Blast!
NL G44 Was It All Just A Dream?
NL G45 Teal Me More, Teal Me More
NL G46 Chills Are Multiplying!
NL G47 Frenchie Likes to Kiss?
NL G48 Pink Ladies Rule The School
NL G49 Hopelessly Devoted To OPI
NL G50 You're The Shade That I Want
NL G51 Tell Me About It Stud
NL G52 Danny & Sandy 4 Ever!

@темы: opi, wishlist, beauty