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Спасибо тумблеру за развлечение в межсезонье. гифки
и английской википедии за новость о бэби Эмили
"On January 15, 2013, Rose announced via Twitter that she and her husband were expecting a baby: "Excited to Finally announce the little B&W short Proj my Hubs and I have been working on. Out SPRING 2013!".[4] The tweet included a YouTube pregnancy announcement.[5] The baby, a boy, is due in late April, 2013."
и английской википедии за новость о бэби Эмили
"On January 15, 2013, Rose announced via Twitter that she and her husband were expecting a baby: "Excited to Finally announce the little B&W short Proj my Hubs and I have been working on. Out SPRING 2013!".[4] The tweet included a YouTube pregnancy announcement.[5] The baby, a boy, is due in late April, 2013."