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OPI Alice Through The Looking Glass 2016
The I’s Have It
Oh My Majesty!
What’s the Hatter with You?
I’m Gown for Anything!
Fearlessly Alice
A Mirror Escape
Having a Big Head Day
Mad for Madness Sake
What Time Isn’t It?

OPI New Orleans Spring Summer 2016 Collection

NL N51 Let Me Bayou a Drink ***
NL N52 Humidi-Tea
NL N53 Suzi Nails New Orleans
NL N54 I Manicure for Beads ***
NL N55 Spare Me a French Quarter? *
NL N56 She’s a Bad Muffuletta! ***
NL N57 Got Myself into a Jam-balaya *** sorry i'm fizzy today dupe
NL N58 Crawfishin’ for a Compliment *mai-tai similar
NL N59 Take a Right on Bourbon
NL N60 I’m Sooo Swamped!
NL N61 Rich Girls & Po-Boys
NL N62 Show Us Your Tips! *

Hello Kitty by OPI Collection 2016

NL H80 Kitty White
NL H81 Charmmy & Sugar
NL H82 Let’s Be Friends!
NL H83 Look at My Bow!
NL H84 Small + Cute = ♥
NL H85 Spoken from the Heart
NL H86 Starry-Eyed for Dear Daniel
NL H87 Super Cute in Pink
NL H88 My Twin Mimmy
NL H89 5 Apples Tall
NL H90 My Pal Joey
NL H91 Never Have Too Mani Friends!


@темы: opi, wishlist, лаки, beauty